How come I got here?

Aahhh! my head hurts!

Little by little time seems to pass in my mind.

I seem to recover my memories vaguely.

Many people spend their lives thinking that one day they will achieve something important or special in their life.

Many of them do not realize that, on every occasion when life has given them small moments of happiness or small events of some importance in their life.

They are not able to realize and value them at the time, because... they think they are not important enough to treasure them.

Many others live ordinary lives... they are not those who stand out or who are successful.

However, they have almost perfect lives, without luxuries, without pretensions, really living the life they chose, because... that's what it's all about, being able to choose, or in your case... have the power to transform the life that touched you by default.

Herein lies the magic.

There are no curses or bitterness, only those that we let reach us...

I would never have asked for it, I would never have even wanted it, but... that something came to me.