Although, they have always supported him in his projects, they understand that life is one more of them.

Jhon, is a young architect, looking for an opportunity in this great city, for now, for some months, he got a job for a construction company of moderate prestige.

So he strives every night to come up with new projects that he hopes will one day see the light of day.

He visits his parents once a week, since they are on the other side of the city, he lives in the area of the metropolis, of business.

I never imagined that his life in that house would change his world completely.

Although, his home is beautiful, it was remodeled after its former owners... many of them... all, without exception, left their possessions on the run and on some occasions, simply disappeared from the face of the earth.

This important little fact was never mentioned by the real estate agent.

And less, to see that Jhon was delighted to see the place.

That doesn't change that, the neighborhood is quaint, there are families wandering around the parks, children on bicycles strolling along the sidewalks, the noise of cars passing by as if it were main street.

It is a typical day in the area.