This is a good opportunity, so they have asked everyone to make their proposals for this new work.

They congratulate each other because, thanks to their work and recommendations, they have been given this work.

Jhon, although he is very reserved and considers almost everyone, alone, co-workers.

If you have a friend in the company.

His name is Raul.

A short guy, little overweight, friendly, shoulder-length hair, dark and curly due to his African ancestry, although his skin is brown like his Mexican mother, who emigrated to the United States since childhood.

He is known for his characteristic smile.

He has been his friend since Primary and Secondary.

In higher education, Raul moved with his parents to Toronto, Canada, because of his work.

Already in the last semesters of architecture, it is that he saw his friend again.

Since then, they meet every Friday to go to a bar or some other social activity.

Although, lately they have dedicated themselves to eating pizza at the home of one of the two and playing video games.

Raul is a conqueror, so every time they go to the bar, he tries to win over some girl.

That's why, on some occasions, they leave separately at the end of the night.