Raul asks if she wants to accompany him on a double date with a girl he's been dating.

Jhon, with a mischievous smile, is tempted to say yes, but, he knows that there is a lot of work to be done with his project.

Raul, in a relaxed way, says that he has his own ideas, but that he does not think it will take him so long.

The body also has its needs.

Maybe he'll be lucky and sleep curled up between the two.

Jhon, gives a laugh and encourages him, although, if it hurts a little not to be able to go with his friend.

Get home.

Notice that the neighborhood is too calm, there are not even people on the street, something unusual for the weekend.

Not even the street lights are on.

He enters his apartment, leaves his keys on the keychain by the door, takes off his sack and leaves it on the armchair, flies his briefcase on his bed, drops his body to lie on his back, looking at the ceiling.

Feel too much silence.

Normally many whispers are heard from the elderly on their balconies for about two hours until everyone enters their homes.

Jhon turns around on his bed, looking out over his balcony.