They recommend waiting until dawn.

Jhon, with a somewhat stuttering voice, replies that, he has an earring, he apologizes.

And he just comes out in a hurry.

Walter and Gina, meet on the stairs and hear how their son's car starts urgently.

They look at each other.

There is regret on Gina's face.

Walter, turning around, tells Gina, that, it's just part of the process.

Gina, somewhat doubtful, follows her husband back to the bedroom.

Along the way, he thinks: I'm sorry Jhon... had he not died, it would have been Billy.

On the way home, Jhon, does not realize that, he is going at high speed, fortunately, the road on the road is clear until he reaches the avenue.

His mind is a maelstrom of emotions, wide tears come out of his eyes and cloud his sight a little, so he does not see the road well, but, he does not stop, not until he reaches outside his house.

It is parked.

It is then when everything comes to the surface, he releases the cry clinging with his hands to the wheel with such force that, the nails are whitened and hitting him on occasion.

Clinging to the wheel of his car, by the force employed, his nails turn white.

Inside your home, in your room.

The sheet begins to rise, turning the shape of a person lying down and a voice, a whispering exhalation: Jhon...

After a while, Jhon turns to look towards his house.

end of chapter 22