Raul's voice reveals that he has drunk a little.

Jhon is not surprised.

Raul talks to him to invite him out in the afternoon.

Noticing Jhon's somewhat hesitant voice, Raul asks if he can come and visit him.

Jhon, does not want visits and denies the request.

Raul does not accept a no for an answer, yes he will go to breakfast.

And he's sure, John hasn't either.

Knowing himself defeated, Jhon puts on a small smile, somehow he is pleased that Raul sometimes does what he wants.

He decides to return to the studio while his friend arrives.

After about 30 minutes, they ring the bell, Jhon puts on a shirt without fastening.

Opening the door, he sees Raul, with a bucket of chicken and a bag with some disposable containers.

But, he does not come alone, he is accompanied by two girls, with bags with an errand, one is the girlfriend Rose and another a friend of hers, Samantha.

Both of them, seeing John half-dressed, blush a little.

The friend, looks at him flirtatiously.

Jhon, noticing this atmosphere, begins to fasten his shirt.

It reminds them to take off their shoes at the entrance.

Right on one side has the shoemaker and they take some sandals to walk in the house, although Jhon, likes to be barefoot.

They go to the kitchen, to leave the errand bags, Raúl, with his typical relaxed attitude, expresses his pleasure for having received them.

Jhon with a low voice, seeing that the girls are going to the room, scolds Raul, he must have warned that he would be accompanied.

Raul excuses himself after saying that, if he tells him, he does not receive them.

John agrees with him.

end of chapter 28