In this chapter, there will be hints of sexuality, explicit violence, and sensitive (religious) topics for some adults.

If you are susceptible to these topics, it is recommended to stop reading this story.

At this time, his lunch alarm sounds.

Jhon, he has never been so relieved before.

The detectives say goodbye while Raul approaches Jhon's cubicle to go eat together.

At this moment, the agents ask for Raul Suarez.

Poor Raul, somewhat nervous, admits to being the person they are looking for.

The agents ask him to accompany them, as it is lunch time, they will go to a cafeteria if it seems good.

Raúl, somewhat resigned, says goodbye to Jhon and leaves with the agents.

Jhon, drops heavily in his office chair, putting his hands to his face.

He feels drowned, he knows he wouldn't do anything bad to anyone, at least not consciously.

But, it is very bad to withstand such pressures that have nothing to do with work.

Never at home, he was taught to carry these kinds of responsibilities, take care of other people, or take care of someone who is not the same.

After a while, Alice approaches Jhon's cubicle.

Jhon raises his gaze and looks at her, her face reflecting some concern.

Alice asks John about the people who visited him.

Jhon, very upset and somewhat annoyed, inhales and exhales to be able to modulate his voice.

She replies to Alice that they were agents investigating the death of one of her friends.

Alice apologizes to Jhon, did not know that, one of her friends had passed away and expresses her condolences.

Leave a cup of coffee for Jhon.

Alice is hesitant to leave at that time.

Jhon thanks her and Alice leaves.