In this chapter, there will be hints of sexuality, explicit violence, and sensitive (religious) topics for some adults.

If you are susceptible to these topics, it is recommended to stop reading this story.

Jhon, was the one who got up from the table and prepared to refill his cup, done this, leaves the cafeteria to his cubicle.

As soon as he crosses the threshold, he feels that he can breathe again, those few minutes, were of extreme tension towards him.

He feels it as a warning, it's a warning.

One thing if it is clear, it is good for people to see it from now on.

He begins to sweat profusely, feels so agitated that he unbuttons his tie and unties two buttons on his shirt.

Try to breathe better before you return.

When he turns to look around, he realizes that Alice was coming towards his direction, she has been paralyzed, looking at him at a distance of about 5 meters.

John warns of his presence.

Looking into the eyes, he notices that Alice's mettle is not seen with surprise or concern, there is almost disinterest although there is some curiosity.

Alice returns to her cubicle, giving Jhon no chance to react.

Jhon is confused, not an attitude he expects to see in Alice.

The cases of the murders have not ceased and it is good that it is in view of the people, just in case.