DISCLAIMER: In this chapter, there will be hints of sexuality, explicit violence, and sensitive (religious) topics for some adults.

  If you are susceptible to these topics, it is recommended to stop reading this story.

He moves Alice and her body falls sideways on the bed.

Jhon, with fear, checks it.

He realizes that he has somehow taken Alice's life.

It seems that he has broken his neck.

He walks away from the bed, screaming.

He pulls his hair, looking in horror at the woman who has given him the most pleasure in his entire life.

He complains against the wall, sliding to the floor, like a child.

He doesn't know what to do.

He cries freely, the tension that was once satiated, has returned. 

Terror floods his mind.

He can't think clearly, look at his trembling hands.

Those hands that held Alice's neck too tightly.

At the moment, the face of Agent Clive and Agent Brown come to mind.

If he did not commit any crime before, it is obvious that he does now.

But, it was not his intention to have harmed Alice.

Really, he didn't even notice.

Jhon, he feels lost.

It comes to mind to talk to Raul.

Although, it is not the best way to resolve your situation with him.

It should give him some confidence to be able to talk to him.

But what would his friend think of him, if he said to him: Do you help me with the body?

end of chapter 70