DISCLAIMER: In this chapter, there will be hints of sexuality, explicit violence, and sensitive (religious) topics for some adults. 

If you are susceptible to these topics, it is recommended to stop reading this story.

Upon entering the kitchen, he notices how bloody his fingers are, in fact, he has lost some nails in the process.

The burning is a lot, his hands tremble at contact with anything.

Think about what you should do with Alice's body.

On the third day it will start to stink.

It has no tools to cut it into parts.

In fact, he doesn't know if he has the courage to do so.

He stays in the kitchen, standing for a while, his fingers dripping blood from his wounds.

In his ears a woman's voice resounds, whispering an idea to him.

The voice asks him to carry the kitchen axe with him as he heads towards the room.

As he climbs the stairs, his features change to harden.

Not at all, it looks like the Jhon it naturally is.

Quietly, he stands in front of the bed.

With both arms she carries Alice's body, she heads towards the bathtub.

Put the body inside.

Without mixed feelings, he begins to mutilate the woman's body.

In one of the walls, make a hole with the axe in the lower part of the wall. 

Hold a small trunk closer.

Dentro de él, introduce todo el torso de Alice.

end of chapter 72