Monster Subigation (2)

I was both scared and excited about all the monsters in front of me. It felt like everything went in slow motion. I gripped my sword firmly and placed it in front of my body. I was ready for these damned monsters. As soon as they got in reach I started swinging my sword. Even though I felt like I was swinging my sword randomly I was using my illusion sword technique. All the monsters seemed confused about where my blade was which caused them to get slashed. Although the blows weren't fatal they still made them scream in pain. The more I swung my sword the more excited I got. I was completely focused on the monsters in front of me that I didn't notice that one of them was behind me.

I suddenly felt a stinging pain in my back and when I turned around I saw one of the monsters. Blood dripped from my back and the monsters got excited. I was enraged and slashed the monster with the intent to kill. My sword cut the monster's heart in half and it fell to the ground with blood dripping out. I turned back around and decided that I wasn't going to play with the monsters anymore. I started getting into the zone and serious. Every strike I landed I wanted to kill them. I wondered how such a puny monster could hurt me. The more I thought about it the angrier I became.

If any other person looked at me they would think that I was crazy I was fighting against thousands of monsters but my resolve didn't grow weaker it only made it stronger. I continued fighting against the monsters and we exchanged injuries. The more injuries I got the more I wanted to kill the monsters. It felt like hours were passing and I got even more tired. I just wanted the fighting to the end but it never ended. No matter how much I wanted to give up from exhaustion I wouldn't because this would make me stronger. In the distance, you could see Tiana looking at her brother through a mirror. She had a creepy smile on her face and you could tell that she enjoyed what was happening. However, she started getting pissed because Ashton was killing the monsters at a fast pace. Behind her was a man that was shivering on the ground.

'I thought you said that you could kill him with these monsters?! How come he isn't dead yet? You said it would only take 2 minutes to kill him but 3 hours have passed and he's still not dead!' Tiana said furiously. She had truly believed that this man could kill that useless brother of her's but he failed. 'I'm sorry miss I promise that if you give me another chance I can-' the man's words were cut short as Tiana had cut his head cleanly off. It felt like everything was in slow motion as the head fell slowly and rolled around before blood sprayed everywhere.

'What a useless insect, he only had one job but he failed. Go clean up his body' Tiana said with a disgusted tone before storming out of the room she was in. She walked to her secret room and inside was a man covered in wounds. 'I want you to take this boy and leave him in the forest.' Tiana told the man who was smiling sadistically as he looked at the picture.

Back to Ashton.

The whole building was empty. All the monsters for dead. Everything was covered in blood and Ashton was included. Ashton went around and started storing the monster's corpses and blood in his inventory. He only took about 300 in placed them inside this inventory. Even if people want to look at the corpses they would not see much of a difference as there were so many monsters. The reason why he took the monsters' corpses was that he wanted to see if they had cores and to eat their meat.

By eating monster meat you could potentially strengthen your body. Although the amount of strength your body will get would depend on the type of monster and the level. If you want it to strengthen your body by 50 you will have to eat 100 F rank monsters. Ashton searched around inside of the corpses to see if they had any monster cores. Out of the thousands of monsters, there were only 50 monster cores. 'I worked so hard killing these monsters but I only got 50 monster cores. How disappointing' Ashton said as he smacked his lips. He was upset by the amount of monster course he got. But his bitterness only lasted a couple of seconds as he was glad that he even had any.

All of a sudden Ashton heard a ringing sound in his ears. It was very painful to the point where he almost passed out. The only way he was able to stay awake was because he bit his tongue. The pain of him biting his tongue distracted him from the pain in his ears. A man in all black walked up to Ashton and smiled at him sadistically. He looked like he was enjoying the way that Ashton was in pain. 'Oh, you're still up? That's very surprising you're not that bad. If only your sister didn't give me the orders I would have kept you for myself. But now you're going to have to go to sleep.' The man said while smiling. I wanted to utter some words but nothing came out of my mouth as I passed out.

I didn't know how much time had passed since I had been asleep but when I opened my eyes I was shocked. I was surrounded by nature trees and grass were the only things that I could see. I was very confused about where I was and I almost started to panic but I calmed myself down and started thinking. 'The only places that have nature like this or the hunting grounds that are used for students to train or the forest that was full of dangerous monsters.' I knew that I couldn't be at the hunting grounds as they were patrolled by high-level guards every 5 seconds. so I had to be in the forest.

I started to panic as there were even s-rank monsters in this Forest. I looked around once more and I saw zebra footprints. I then started to realize that this couldn't be the high-level part of the forest as zebras were one of the weakest monsters here. I sighed in relief as I wasn't in the high-level part of the forest. Instead, I felt like this will be a great training session. ' Although this was a blessing in disguise I would still get my revenge. although I knew my sister was the one who did it I couldn't believe it. I thought that the man was lying to me and he just wanted me to turn on my sister.' Ashton thought.

However, I found a bracelet inside my pocket which wasn't mine. I clicked on a bracelet and a video of my sister ordering the man to drop me in the forest was played. When I tell you I was so shocked I was. My mouth hung low to the point where I felt it on the ground. A stinging pain resided in my heart as I was sad that my only sister would betray me. I had thought that my sister was the only person who loved me in the world but I was wrong. Over the years my sister just pretended to like me.

However, I realized how stupid I was. Over the years many instances show me that my sister didn't care about me. But because I was so naive I didn't think of it. I had just thought that my sister was playing a prank on me. But now that I realize it I could tell that she never liked me and that she was only acting. At this point, I felt my heart growing stone cold. I didn't care about anything at this point. The only thing that was in my heart was rage and revenge. I wanted to get revenge on all the people who wronged me and I wanted to never be bullied again.

I promised myself that I would stop being weak and stop trusting people as people do nothing but betray you. I felt myself going crazy the more I thought about it. I tried punching trees but it didn't get my anger out. all of a sudden I had a crazy thought. My heart was telling me to kill to make my anger go away and I listened. Using the knowledge that I learned from the academy to find the zebra's hideout. At the entrance of the cafe I pulled out my longsword and charged in blindly. I didn't care if I got hurt the only thing I wanted to do was kill. It was like I went completely crazy I didn't care about anything but killing.

Killing things made me very happy and I just wanted to do it forever.

When I finally got a hold of myself the whole cave was covered in blood and I felt seeing pains coming from my body. Looking down I saw nothing but slashes and wounds covering my body. Both zero blood and my blood mixed on my body. I felt like I was going to collapse but I used my long sword to hold me up. Soon memories of the battle flooded my head a sharp pain was felt as I looked at the scenes. I fell to the ground and clutched my head after a few minutes I felt better but I felt like something was amiss.

[The host has learned the new skill Blood Maniac]

'System absorbs all the monster cores inside my inventory and of the monsters just killed. Also, place the monsters I killed inside of the inventory.' I thought.

[Absorbing 75 F-rank low-grade monster cores. Host beware that you will be in extreme pain]

A sudden influx of pain assaulted my body. my body started shaking like I was having a seizure as I was in so much pain. Blood started pouring out of every orifice in my body. Rolling around on the cave floor made my pain worse but I couldn't stop. After what felt like hours of torture the pain finally went away.


|Name: Ashton Steel

Age: 16 Level: 20

EXP: 150/1000 Race: Human

Class: None Title: None

Grade: E Talent: Medium

HP: 100/100 MP: 100


STR: 32 (+5) AGI: 32 (+5)

SEN: 37 (+5) DEF: 24 (+5)

STA: 32 (+5) VIT: 22 (+5)

INT: 37 (+5) AP: 375



Illusion Sword: Consists of 100 moves that can trick the enemy into thinking that strike is somewhere else than the intended

Blood Maniac: When in battle the more blood splattered the more you strive to kill. When in the zone you won't feel pain or anything besides wanting to kill.


Imperial Set: Low-grade F-rank armor that protects the host from most attacks from F-rank monsters. 50% that it absorbs damage.


-Become the king of the weakest part of the jungle

Reward: High-grade E-rank longsword

-Escape the forest

Reward: Random mystery box

[Daily Tasks]

-Run 30km (Status: 0/30)

-Carry 600 kilograms (Status: 0/600)

-Climb a height of 300 meters (Status: 0/300)
