Again attacked by Red People and throw our-self in a cave.

 Sun City temple caught our attention as we walked.  I don't know how many amazing riches are stored in the temple of the god who has such a big dome covered with gold.

 Thinking these things we have come to the foot of a mountain.

 Suddenly, a sharp sound of a trumpet tore apart the surroundings.

 Ripvan suddenly said with a pale face, "Damn!"

 What is Ripvan?

 The news was sent to the warriors by sounding the trumpet.  The enemy has come to the city gate.

 The trumpet sounded again.  Trumpets started sounding not once but again and again.

 Then the sound of Damama sounded like that day.

 Ripvan, what do we do now?

 There is one way.

 We have to climb up this nearby mountain and hide inside a cave.

 But maybe they will see us before then.

 Here they will also use guns.  We cannot stop them.

 Ripvan was stunned and started thinking about something.

 We already understood.  Damama came very close to us very quickly.

 Needless to say, I somehow gave up hope of life.

 Ripvan suddenly said, Foreigner, come on.  Go to town.

 Towards the city?

 Yes.  They cannot use guns inside the city.

 After that?

 I will think about it later.

 There is no time to stand here and think.  look at that A group of warriors appeared within the peak of the mountain.

 From far away they look like little dolls.

 Then they started descending in groups.  I also heard the roar of guns a couple of times.  But the bullets did not reach us. Maybe they haven't seen us yet.

 Ripvan said, "Come with me. But before that, one thing."

 what's up

 I may be a traitor but I am not a heathen.

 Before going to Sun City, you must make a promise.

 What promise?

 If you are saved by going to the Sun City, you will not be able to interfere with its treasures.  Philip hesitated.

 promise soon, look the enemies are gradually approaching.

 The colonel said, "Before coming we told you that we did not accept danger in the hope of treasure. We went out in search of new ones. Why should we rob them of their treasure. We are no longer bandits."

 Mr. Philip said, "Okay, Colonel. But after finding the treasure, I want to touch it with my hands."

 Ripvan said sternly, "Come on foreigners. What will you not promise?"

 Philip said, "We promise. We will not take the treasure."

 Let's go to the city.

 Two guards stood at the entrance to the city.

 Seeing the expression on their faces, I understood that they were completely shocked by our unexpected appearance.

 As soon as the guards were stunned, we pounced on them.

 After receiving two blows from the gun, they screamed and ran away.

 Meanwhile, after so long, the mountain warriors discovered us.

 They started firing guns frequently.

 They come down screaming.

 Mr.  "Ripvan they came near," said Philip in a fearful voice.

 Let's hurry to that temple.

 We went to the temple very quickly.  There were some people and priests from the east.

 Seeing guns in our hands, they ran away in fear.

 We stayed at the temple.  Meanwhile, a group of red men came to the temple in search of us.

 They were outnumbered and we were insignificant.  Although we had guns in our hands, they were not afraid of them.

 We had a fierce fight with them.

 But in the end we lost.

 Although defeated, we managed to overcome many of them.

 One of the red men asked another red man to bring a rope.

 When he came with a rope, we were all tied together and pulled into a cave.

 The cave is large in size but small in height.  It is very dark inside the cave.

 The moment we were put in the cave, a flock of bats escaped from there.

 All of us were kept in the cave and the mouth of the cave was closed.

 I said to the colonel, "What will happen to us now? We are caught."

 The colonel was surprised and listened to me.  He said nothing

 Ripvan said, "Now we will be taken to the Inca's court. There we will be judged. The trial will decide how we will be executed. His justice system is very cruel. No one is spared."

 Mr. Philip said, "Ripvan, then must you die with us?"

 He replied, "No. I have already told you what is the punishment for treason?"

 When did the Incas start this trial?

 In the morning.

 As soon as the morning light appeared, the trial began.

 I started to feel the inside of my chest.

 My hands and feet began to tremble with fear.

 It's not just me.  I saw that everyone was scared.

 "That means we still have a lot of time to get out of here," Mr Phillip's said.

 We were a little reassured to hear him.  But indirectly, I thought, how do we get out of here?  The red people stuck the cave door with stones.

 Ripvan said, "The red people know that if someone is trapped in this cave, they will not be able to get out. So they must have left us here."

 "We don't have time now. We have to start now," Mr Phillip said.

 The stone is placed as a door so that there is no gap.

 We tried a lot to remove the stone from its path.

 We kept trying after trying.

 But I did not succeed.

 Mr. Philip said, "We have to break some of this rock. Then we can move the rock very easily. Let's all see if we can find anything inside the cave."

 I said, "We can break the rock by firing.



 We can't do that.  Because if he shoots, his enemies will understand his words.  And besides, we may also get shot.

 Rightly said.

 So we started looking around the cave.

 But I didn't get anything.  After hundreds of attempts and not getting anything, I gave up the hope of liberation and life from here.  Disappointed, everyone sat down.

 I also sat down depressed.

 I can't think what to do.

 I started drawing on the ground like a small child with a small stick lying in front of me.

 I don't know what I'm drawing on the cave floor.

 Suddenly at one point the stick in my hand got stuck in one place.

 I was surprised to see there.

 Excited, I said, "I've got our release machine."

 The Colonel said, "Have you got Jayant?"

 I asked the Colonel to come to me.

 He was also happy to see the thing.  He said, "Is this it?"

 Let's take a look at it first.

 I started stabbing the floor with the stick in my hand.

 After removing all the soil there, I picked up the thing by hand.

 The Colonel saw the thing and said, "I see it with an axe."

 Mr. Philip said, "Excellent Jayant. You have done a beautiful job. With it we can break the stone effortlessly."

 Ripvan said, "I see this axe is very old. Still strong! It is the axe of our former men. At that time they used to cut wood in the forest."

 But that's how it got here.

 He has a great story.

 Mr Philip said: "Now is not the time to listen to the story. You have to break this stone as soon as you can to survive."

 I kept hitting the rock with the axe.  After hitting for a long time, he got a crack along the middle of the rock.

 I'm out of breath.  With a sigh of relief, I handed the axe to Mr. Haldar.

 He also started hitting one after another.

 At last the stone broke and the cave door became empty.

 When I look outside, I see that it is very dark all around.

 Inside the cave we hit the rocks and turned on the lights so we didn't understand when night fell.

 I went out and saw that there was no one there.