Again see Magical Woman.

Mr. Colonel's words reassured him, but the fear in his chest did not subside.  But I didn't reveal it anymore.

 I did not lie down and sat down.  And the colonel sat with his eyes closed.  He never spoke to me again. I didn't say anything else either.  I sat quietly with a different mind. I only remember the words of that dream.

 Suddenly the forest got darker.  The cave is also covered in darkness.  I realized it was evening. Still the colonel lay down with his eyes closed.

 I patted the Colonel's shoulder and said, "Colonel, it is late. Get up quickly."

 The colonel opened his eyes.

 I called Mr. Haldar and Nagpa.  They both sat up with their eyes wide open.

 The colonel said again, "Nagpa,Mr. Haldar, do you want to go with us? We will leave now."

 Nagpa didn't understand and said, "Where are you going? Are you going back? But my Baijanti! You wanted to find her. But why are you leaving?"

 The colonel said, "We are not leaving this forest. We are going to search for the mystery of the ghoul. Do you want to go with us in search of the terrible ghoul?"

 Nagpa said, "Yes, I want to go. I will go to find my wife."

 But your body is not healthy.  can you go

 Yes, I can go.  No matter how hard it is, I have to go.  I will not return home without taking Baijanti.  If I don't find him, I will stay in this forest.

 I said, "Nagpa don't be so disheartened. See we will find your wife Baijanti."

 May your words be right.

 Mr.Haldar  was listening to us attentively.

 Colonel  said to Mr. Haldar, "What do you want? Won't you sit here alone and go with us?"

 What do I do sitting here alone?  What will happen if the ghost catches me again when I'm alone?  No, no. I can't be alone here in this terrible mysterious forest.  I will also go with you to explore the mystery.

 But what has your body done?

 I feel somewhat relieved.  No problem I can go with you.

 The four of us will go in search of that terrible woman.  This is correct.

 The story got darker and darker.

 "Now we must go," said the Colonel.

 We all came out of the cave one by one.  Darkness all around. Distant objects are not visible.  Closer objects are slightly blurred.

 When Mr. Haldar wanted to speak loudly, Mr.Colonel stopped him.

 He said, "If anyone has anything to say, he will say it quietly, if not by gesture. Now we must be careful. No mistakes can be made."

 Mr.Haldar  said in a low voice, "It is very dark all around. It is difficult to see the way. A fire torch would do."

 The colonel said, "No, that cannot be done. The ghoul will be alarmed if he sees the fire. We must know the secret today anyway."

 We started walking in that darkness.  I reached the side of the lake after walking with great difficulty.

 Reached there today and did not see anything.  Because we reached there in the early part of the night.  Of course, that was not our intention. We have to go to the secret room of the old temple.

 From there, Mr.Colonel in front, I behind him and Mr.Haldar  and Nagpa behind me, started walking in this way.

 There is a reason to go like that.  The night is very dark and the road is narrow.  Besides, there are bushes on both sides of the road.  There are thorn trees in that bush. Once you step on that tree, there is danger.  That thorn is poisonous.

 We all followed the colonel.

 We got that turn again.  From where the magical demon disappeared with Mr.Haldar.

 Suddenly the colonel's feet fell on something and he jumped up in surprise.

 I said quietly, "What happened Colonel? Why did you jump up like that? Did you see anything?"

 No, I didn't see anything.  Something hit my leg. So I jumped to avoid falling.

 The colonel sat down to see the thing.  Then he got up and said, a stone.

 Well anyway we started walking again.  I was afraid inside my chest. The whole body was shaking with fear.

 Finally we reached the historic old temple.  Before entering the temple I told Mr. Haldar and Nagpa about the terrible and strange image and the coveted treasure.

 I said, "There are some terrible pictures on the walls of this temple. They are painted only to frighten people. You should not be afraid. And in the secret room there is treasure. He cannot be seduced."

 Haldar mashai said, "Isn't it! All right. We won't look into all that. What do you say, Nagpa?"


 Nagpa didn't say much.

 We finally made our way down the earthen stairs inside the temple to the secret chamber.

 I stood in front of the door of the room where Nagpa and Mr.Haldar  were kept.

 The colonel said lowly, "There may be ghosts in this room. We must enter it carefully."

 We understand the colonel.  But I didn't say anything.

 The colonel gently opened the door.

 The atmosphere inside is quite calm.  It seems that the magical woman did not realise that two of her captives had escaped.

 Whatever.  If so, that's great for us.

 We carefully stepped further inside.  I see only light in one place and darkness in the rest.

 We stood behind a pillar some distance from that light.  From there I saw a man wearing white clothes sitting under that light.  We are behind him. Only her long white hair is visible.

 A question arose in my mind.  Where that light is coming from is not understood or seen.

 Can't see what that figure is doing there.  It is only heard muttering what I know. But it is not clear what the terrible ghost is saying.

 The colonel said quietly to me, "Jayant we have to go to the left side."

 I also said in a low voice, "Why?"

 Because we can't see anything from this side.  To see everything, you have to go to the left.


 Mr. Haldar and Nagpa, you two hide here.

 Colonel and I stood behind a pillar on the left.

 Just looking at the ghost, I became scared.  The terrible woman sits in front of a strange statue.  He seems to be worshipping that idol.

 But what!  Pouring red paint on the idol.

 Sitting in front of that statue, he raised his hand and said, "What do you know?"

 We were surprised to see him worshipped.  I stood there for a long time.

 I said to the colonel, "We have that woman in front of us. We can catch her now."

 No.  Can't be caught now.  First see what he does.  And what are you in the forest?  Catching him now will not solve the mystery.