Chapter 23: Real Danger Here


I use my fingernail, just a quick puncture, and I've opened a small gash in the brachiocephalic vein. I feel the first sluggish drop of blood seep out. Vampires don’t gush like humans. There’s no heartbeat to move the blood. Unlike feeding from a living person, our blood needs suction in order to remove it.

Milo sits up, the motion tearing a groan from him. I position myself over his lap, careful not to jostle him too much. He hurts, and I’m sure having a woman perch in your lap isn’t exactly soothing. I’m not convinced I won’t have to coax him to drink. After all, plenty of people would find this utterly repulsive. However, as if he were a rusty machine, he creakily bends his head to my neck and pulls the blood into his warm mouth.