
The next morning when Rune woke up.

He was actually shocked that he woke, like that meant that he made it through the night he somehow survived his injuries.

But how.

An even more terrifying thing was that he felt no pain at all no burning, no itchiness, no nothing in fact he felt so fresh, he moved his body and sat up on the bed.

His upper body was naked and he touched his back slightly, but it was smooth as hell and there was no injury felt.

He then looked down and all the bruises and everything were gone, what the hell is going on?

Then he remembered, that last night Simon was here and Yug , he suddenly kept his hand on his mouth 'don't tell me that I actually drank a child's blood?'

He quickly got up feeling more energetic than ever before, as he wore his clothes but just as he was about to go out, the door opened Rune saw no one but when he looked down he saw Simon standing there with a huge smile, "mister you are awake."

He said and ran to him, with no intention of stopping before he crashed into him, Simon hugged his waist tightly, "Mister, we all were really worried I am so happy that you are safe and awake."

Rune was shocked at first he had no idea what to do, it would be very riding to reject a hug from a tiny child, and then call him a brat when he saved his life, but when Rune remembered about the blood thing he gently grabbed Simon's shoulders and pushed him back before sitting in front of him.

"Brat..." Rune began, but Simon stopped him,

"My name is not brat, it's Simon."

Rune cleared his throat, "Okay...Simon...last night did you...gave me something to heal my wounds?" Rune said in a whisper.

Simon smiled nodded, "Yes! mister, I gave you my blo.."

Rune covered his mouth, with his eyes wide, "Shhh...don't shout brat."

Simin grabbed Rune's hand and removed it from his mouth, "Simon...my name is Simon mister..."

"Okay Simon, so you gave me your blood? but why?"

"Because it can heal anything and anyone."

Rune sighed and then grabbed Simon's hand to look for the wound from last night but he found nothing, "What happened to your hand you were inured to right?"

"My hand healed."

"Okay," Rune said and took a deep breath as he's his head in his hand, before he looked back at Simon, "how did you find out that your blood can heal others? Have you given your blood to anyone else before?"

Simin shook his head and then showed Rune the black book, "It was written in it."

Rune nodded, "I see. Where is your father?"

"He is out, and he sent me to see if you are awake."

"I see." Rune said, before he gently smiled at Simon, "Thank you Simon for saving my life...but you know that your power is special right?"

Simon nodded and Rune continued, "Never ever do this or show your power or tell about it to anyone else okay?"

"Okay." Simon said, "My father said the same thing."

"And he said the right thing to listen to him and stay with him okay?"

"Yes, Mister."

Rune smiled and then he looked at the book that was kept on the bed he slowly took it and opened it, and to his surprise, it was not blank anymore there were words over there, Rune closed the book and looked at Simon, before he smiled, and handed the book back to him.

"Simon...what's wrong with you? I mean, your headaches, and why did you cough blood back then?"

Simon looked at him before telling him everything as well, and in the end, Rune nodded before he grabbed him in his arms and lifted him up, "Let's go out, we need to leave now."

Once they came out, Damian was near the horse feeding them while Yug was talking to the villagers.

Once he saw Rune, he excused himself and came to him, "Are you okay now?"

"I am perfectly fine, duke thanks to you." Rune said, "But...don't you think that was very risky and could have been dangerous?"

Yug looked at Simon and smiled at him before extending his hand, taking Simon in his own hands, "Well General I am putting my trust in you so don't break it, and I can fight the entire world when it comes to my little kid."

Simon smiled, his heartfelt warm, while Rune nodded, "Well then this subject of your will always assist you in case you waged a war against the world, after all, I owe you my life."

Yug nodded, "We'll leave now. The horses are ready."

Rune nodded before following Yug and getting on his horse. They glanced at the villagers one last time before they left, "Will it be safe leaving the villagers alone, those bandits might come back and those malnourished villagers will get killed."

Yug said, "I have asked them to leave this place and follow me but they say that they are attached to their land because of their ancestors there are not going to leave...so I have sent a letter to marchioness to send a group of warriors to protect this village."

Damian spoke, "Duke those bandits were quite powerful, what I mean to say is that bandits are lower caste people and they are supposed to be poor but those bandits didn't lower casts they were skilled in fighting as if they had learned it somewhere and how can a lower caste person afford to learn sword fighting?"

Rune spoke, "Maybe they were self-taught."

Damian nodded, "That may be the case but when the self-taught people cannot be so precise...maybe I am thinking too much, but it's just a hunch."

Yug spoke after some time, "If we leave out the sword fighting, there are other things that are odds bandits didn't go after food money or gold they went after people...I understand that they might want some people to make their gang bigger but children? Why would they kidnap children? Obviously not to raise them it takes effort."

Rune spoke, "To sell them."

Yug spoke, "Exactly where? brothels? Or maybe to other nations? "

Rune and Damian also thought about those but Simon heard all this and he knew very well about all those bandits and their missions everything, after all in his past life there, was one person who went after these bandits with full force, because he discovered something.

And he was the one who told Simon everything about these bandits, however, Simon being Simon the idiotic fool told this to his mother, and in the end, that person was killed, because of him.

"Father..." Simon said and Yug looked at him and so did the other two.

"Yes, Simon."

"Father, will I get training to make my body fit?"

Yug looked at Rune, then back at his son, "Yes, son your training will start as soon we get home."

Simon smiled, "Will I get a teacher as well?"

Yug thought about it, "You want a teacher?"

Simon nodded. "Yes."

"Then I will find someone for you," Yug said.

Simon smiled again, "But father I have already decided who my teacher will be."

The three of them looked at each other before Yug asked again, "Who?"

Simon smiled, "He will be..."