
When Yug came out, Simon was standing there with a smile, Yug smiled at him and held his hand before walking away while going forward. They came across Rune who asked, "Did you talk to him."

Yug nodded, "Well, he is changed...a lot."

Rune nodded, "I know..."

Simon asked, "Father, have you done talking to the teacher?"

Yug smiled at him and held his hand before walking away, "Simon...you should not call him teacher yet...it will make him uncomfortable."

Simon's smile dimmed, it was his bad not to think about it, "Sorry, father I will not say that again."

Yug nodded but then Simon spoke again, "I will call him teacher when he accepts me as his disciple."

Yug looked at his son and thought about how can he could tell him and explain to him that once Rafael said no, there is no power on earth that can change his mind.

If he can say no to royalty without the fear of being executed, then Simon is just a child and, as for him, well, Rafael will not think twice before shutting the door in his face.

Yug sighed and then looked at Simon, "Simon...How about I look for another teacher for you?"

This made Simon look at him, Yug asked, "What?"

Simon spoke, "father are you saying that in this empire there is someone else more capable than Teacher...sorry....brother?"

This sends both Rune and Yug into deep thoughts.

What Simon said was true, it kills Rune to see his brother, who is a prodigy, ruining his life like this and he can do nothing about it while people who are not even worthy to stand in front of him are gaining so much attention.

Simon said again, "If it's not him, then I want you or mister to teach me."

Yug clenched his fists, while Rune took a deep breath and sat in front of him, "Simon... you want Rafael to be your teacher?"

Simon nodded.

"Then you know that to gain something, you have to work hard."

Simon smiled, and nodded, 'Yes!"

Rune smiled, "Then, let's work hard to make you his disciples. What do you say?"

He said as he extended his hand forward, Simon smiled and kept his hand on Runes, "Yes!" he then looked at Yug, "Father, will you help us?"

Rune also looked at Yug, who nodded slowly before placing his hand upon Simon's, "Let's do it."


"We have promised Simon." Yug said, "But how are we going to convince Rafael? it's been two years since he went into isolation."

Rune was in the same thought, "I don't know, but this is our chance to bring him out, after being in isolation for long, maybe if we help him reconnect, we can bring him back."

Yug was quiet about something, "I am sorry...back then it was I told the court that Rafael was ill."

Rune looked at him and looked down, "As much as it hurts me...I think I would have done the same thing, You were there for my brother when I wasn't here, and I think I never thanked you for that...so thanks duke, you had saved my brother's life."

Yug smiled, "If my son becomes Rafael's disciple this is going to bring Rafael's attention everyone's attention will be on me, my son, and. Rafael both our households will be under questioning."

Rune smiled, "This time I will let my brother answer for himself..."


The next day Damian came to Yug in a hurry, "Duke, young master, is not in his room."

Yug sighed and rubbed his eyes, "Goddess this brat." he said and ran outside, "I am going to beat him once I grab him."

Damian snorted and rolled his eyes, "If you had done that duke, we wouldn't be running around hysterically right now."

Yug gave him a look, and he coughed lightly, "Lord Simon, where are you?" he ran to the other side.

Yug looked around before he nearly bumped into someone, "Woah, what's the wrong duke?" Rune asked, "let me ask, it's about brat?"

Yug nodded, "Not in his room."

Rune rolled his eyes, "And Damian can't find him anywhere."

Yug nodded, Rune stood there for some time before he freaked out, "Then what are you waiting for? GUARDS!"

And soon Diora and the guards were called, Diora instructed them, before Rafael also came into the room, "What the hell is going on? Can't a man live in peace?"

Diora and the others looked at him before Damian told him, "Young master Simon is missing...and we cannot find him."

Rafael's laziness vanished, "Okay, all the best in finding him."

Before he can go, Rune spoke, "We would really appreciate your help though."

Rafael was about to say no but the words got stuck in his throat as he looked at Yug and then remembered that inquisitive child. If he got in some kind of danger then it will be terrible.

No matter how heartless and selfish he makes himself look, he can't see his family hurt, so he said, "I will go and look."

"We all should go now," Rune said, and they scattered around.

Rafael had no idea why the hell was he doing what he was doing now, he expected to wake up another day and drink and not go around looking after some brat.

But here he is now roaming around aimlessly.

He stopped once he found no trace of Simon, but he suddenly felt an apple falling on his head that made him look up at the tree, and there he saw the little human money on the tree.

"This brat..." Rafael said, "Hey! what are you doing there?"

He asked and Simon finally looked down and smiled, "Teach...I mean, brother!!"

Rafael ignored it that way. He felt slightly delighted at being called brother, "Come down. Right now, your father is looking for you."

Simon spoke, "I would, but I am stuck right now mister...and see this." he bought a kitten in front and showed it to Rafael, "This baby is injured."

"Alright...um..." he came under the tree and positioned himself, "Jump."

He said to Simon, "Don't be scared. I will catch you."

"Alright," Simon said and jumped down, before landing right in Rafael's arms.

"Are you injured somewhere?" he asked, and Simon shook his head.

Rafael then put him down and took the kitten from him, before he noticed that Simon was carrying a big black book, he was carrying it yesterday as well, but he ignored it.

"What are you going to do with him?"

Simon asked and Rafael looked at him before thinking of a reply, he suddenly smiled evilly and answered, "I am going to roast him and eat him."

Rafael thought that Simon will be scared but in return, he just smiled, "Oh...then will you give me some as well? I also want to learn how to cook."

This made Rafael's eyes widen, this spawn of the devil. Rafael stood up and grabbed his ear before twisting it.


"You fucking brat, you want to torture animals, are you even human, on my territory? Just you wait," he said and dragged him towards the house.

"Brother please, please leave my ear it hurts, brother ow!!" But Rafael didn't listen to him at all he just dragged him all the way back to the house.

"Duke!" He called once he came inside and Yug came, Rafael let go of Simon, who went to Yug ,

"Where were you, Simon?" he asked

"I was playing in the garden and saw this kitten on the tree and when I climbed up, I got scared and couldn't come down."

"Young Lord..." Diora came, "Thank god you are safe."

Rune and Damian were relieved as well while Rafael just proceeded to leave, "Where are you going?" Diora asked but instead of Rafael, Simon answered his questions.

"He said he is going to eat that kitten."

Rafael had never wanted to smack a kid so badly in his life, while others looks at him speechless.

Diora and Rune looked at each other while Rune rubbed his forehead and Diora coughed lightly, Damian however spoke, "Lord Rafael, a lot of alcohol can really make you do weird things."

Yug smiled but suppressed it as he looked at his son, while Rafael just walked away, and the guards just moved away scared of coming in his way.

The guards looked at each other, "Is it true that young Lord Rafael tortured animals?"

Another spoke, "I have heard that he also drinks animal blood."

"No wonder, after all, he is sick anyway..."

The other guards nodded, "Thats' really sad, he is so young and talented and he is wasting, his brother and sister must really love him to keep home around."

"Why not? after all he is the youngest here..."

Diora cleared her throat, "All of you can leave now."

With that, the guards were gone.

"Simon." Yug called out, and he put his fists in front of him, "Choose one."

Simon didn't think much and chose the right one, "Okay, do fifty sit up right now."

Simon's eyes widened, "Why, father?"

"For making everyone worried and leaving your room without security."

Simon nearly cried, "What was the other one?"

Yug smirked, "Drink beetroot juice for seven days."

Rune smirked, "Start now...Simon."

Simon pouted this was not fair, but he was just a weak child right now there was not much he could do about it.