Chapter 23~

The court had gone silent after the queen had raised her hand in the air.

"Duke of the north, the evidence that the duke of south provided is more than enough to conclude that these people were performing devil-worshipping and any person who loves their religion and nation would do the same thing that happened to these people.

Yug was quiet he had to take some time to realize what The Queen was actually saying. He was so disappointed that he just sat back in his seat while Rune wanted to fight back, but he was smart enough to know that it is a lost cause.

The duke of south smirked, and the queen glared at the four people, "These four people shall be executed for performing devil-worshipping and also for lying to the duke of north and general and trying to frame the Duke of the south."

The four people cried their hearts out they were here was justice but what they got was this, Rune spoke, "Your majesty as a reward for my contribution to the nations, I would like to ask you to lessen their sentence please."

Duke of south spoke, "Are you defending the devil worshippers?"

"No your majesty I am just asking to have mercy on these villagers they have lost their home, family, and livelihood they have already been punished by nature and they are just small villagers there is a chance that these people might have been fooled to perform that ritual."

The queen smiled before she spoke, "General you are really kind-hearted, all right instead of death, these people's eyes must be dug out, and their hands must be cut before they are released."

Rune's eyes widened and his heart clenched as he heard this and then looked at the four innocent people, he had come back here after a big war and this was not what he had expected, not such injustice while Yug had come to the court after so long and he was disappointed again, what the hell was he thinking? These people were driven by greed and malice the life of these four lower caste people meant nothing.

Had these people of the upper caste or of the same religion they might have received some comfort, Yug felt like a fool, he felt angry at himself for believing that justice existed in this kingdom, he could have given these four people a good life but now because of his foolishness he gave these people a life worse than death.

The four people were dragged away as they cried, "This is not fair. This is injustice."

"We are innocent, your Majesty. we are innocent."

"Please...believe us...we were just thanking our god and celebrating with our family. Why are we being punished for that."

"Grant us death, your majesty, grant us death."

The four people were dragged away as the court either laughed or smirked while Yug and Rune watched helplessly.

After they were gone, the queen spoke again, "Duke of the north I heard that your son has got a teacher?"

Yug collected himself and answered, "Yes your majesty."

"Handing over your heir to a master is like handing over the dukedom's future into the hands of that person and I am quite confused at your choice of your son's master I heard that you have chosen the previous commander of the northern army, Rafael, as your son's master?"

Yug nodded, "It is true, your majesty."

"Why would you do that duke? it is true that Commander Rafael was a prodigy and best of the best but at present, he is not in his best condition, he can harm your son, and yet you have given him such a huge responsibility."

Duke of the south added, "Your majesty I don't think that duke would hand over his son to a madman, maybe Commander Rafael has healed."

The queen smiled, "Oh my, if that's the case, then maybe he should come back. A prodigy like him shouldn't waste his years in vain, he should come and serve the nations like he used to... I will gladly issue a decree for him. And accept him back." she said as she spoke about Rafale her eyes were glowing and there was this excitement and weird look that Rune and Yug didn't miss.

Rune clenched his fist, these people want Rafael to come back to the field because Rafael was the best and most ambitious and has helped this nation many times to conquer other territories and win many battles, of course, they would want him back to exploit his talent.

The duke of the south spoke again, "Of course, he should come back your majesty, princess Iyana has been handling the troupes ever since he left, she is burdened by her own responsibilities as well."

Rune stood up, "Your majesty, my brother is healed, but he is still not ready to come back."

The queen spoke, "So you want to say that despite his talent, he wants to stay back at him and live off you and your sister instead of serving his nation? That's quite selfish of him."

Rune smiled, "Your majesty, my brother wants to start a business, he is no longer interested in fighting wars and battles. He wants to assist my sister and me."

The queen sighed, "That's really a sad thing because if someday he wished to come back, I am more than willing to grant him a good position if he stays loyal to me."

The simple translation of this sentence is she wants Rafael to be her dog, Rafael was loyal and close to the queen. He was her advisor and a good friend of hers that was till she betrayed him.

The Queen was never able to gain that kind of loyalty and friendship and trust from Rune and Yug because they understood her motives and her double-faced nature well but Rafael was young so he was easily manipulated because the queen being the mother of the nation can never be a bad person that was what he thought.

Rune nodded, "I would convey your message to him, your majesty."