
Dennis took his time to speak, "I don't know much about the cult of Mithras, since I was never a part of it directly, but Callum was... my all knowledge came from him."

"Tell us everything you know," Rune asked.

Dennis spoke, "All I know is that Callum often took some of the selected slaves to some other place, not to sell but to practice."

"Practice what?"


Rune's eyes widened and he looked at Diora, before he asked, "What kind of rituals?"

"Callum never took part, he just observed, he never told me what kind of people they were who conducted the rituals. He just always said that he will be assisting the cult of Mithras to serve goddess Ankh."

Diora spoke with a raised eyebrow as she folded her hand before her chest and stared at Dennis with firm eyes as if warning him not to lie, "By conducting rituals?"