
"What? so Simon is the favored one!" Cassandra said with happiness.

Rufus was also smiling, "indeed he is, I knew my documents weren't false, however, Yug was smart enough to replace the child, and now have to coax Simon to come to us."

"Hm... Aurelia... I will issue an order that allows Aurelia to stay near Simon, and even the duke cannot go against it."

"We have to be careful this time. Yug is strong and the power his son has is monstrous, if we have him we can have anything we want."

Cassandra was thrilled, "I have waited so long a few years okay, it's worth the wait, can't wait to add another person to my collection."


Meanwhile, Yug, on the other hand, banged the paper against the table after he read the order.

He was mad with anger, Rune took the paper and read it and he felt the same anger as Yug, "This bitch."