
"I hope that you understand, General," Cassandra said as she smiled gently while giving such a sinister order, ordering Rune to kill many others and cause destruction once again with that calm and gentle face as if she was doing something so noble.

Rune had a grim face, but he still nodded stiffly, his body frozen as he clenched his fist, as he hated that he has to agree with a fiend like Cassandra, "Yes, your majesty."

"You have to go to this war and win. We need to bring these kingdoms under us." She said, "I have my full faith in you. The more nations come under us the more will our culture and religion will spread and we will acquire more resources and our people will get more benefits."

Rune nodded before he left.


He had to go to war, and that too for a long period of time, not knowing when he will come back whether he will come back or not.

He sighed. As he headed back to the house.