
"So that was your reason?" Simon asked after he finished reading Devon's mind, whose eyes widened and he glared at Simon this time.

However, his glare was more like a small kitten trying to purr at him, and so Simon couldn't help but smile.

However, this time Devon was really angry, "Lord Simon, how can you invade my brain without my-"

Simon kept his hand on his mouth and smiled. "Shut up. It was because you weren't honest and had dared to lie to me. I have to do it to find out the truth."

Devon glared at him and removed his finger from his lips and got up from the bed, and glared at him, "But still, it was wrong."

Simon also got up from the bed and walked towards Devon, who took a step back while Simon smiled brightly, "So you love me?"

Devon's looked away and did not look back at Simon who was walking closer and closer to him until Devon's back hit the wall, and he was cornered by Simon.