Sean Zavian Zagereus had a good life.

He had a loving, Caring, and innocent mother and a cool, strong, and powerful Wealthy father, and a protective and well-behaved elder brother.

Then what could go wrong?

His father was loving, very loving in fact but it was no hidden fact that he loved his mother more than anything, and perhaps that was the very reason for every tragedy.

When Zavian  was born the Oracle predicted his future, in a loud clear voice he said, "This child will be blessed by goddess Ankh, he will be her favorite child and shall be loved by her, for him the goddess won't hesitate to go against the cosmic law"

That made him even more special and also the center of envy and jealousy but a loving family was everything he needed to be happy.

Zavian believed and loved goddess Ankh as his own mother, he had grown up listening to stories of the goddess, had her bravery and miracles, which have always fascinated him.