
The invitations for the celebration to announce the crown prince soon came the event was supposed to be held a few weeks later.

River and Raven's training was going on nicely as well. Zavian taught them a few things every day and the two were fast learners they took in everything and learned everything quickly.

They had also gained weight and were healthy now, While River was very smart in paperwork and mathematics, Raven was very athletic and good in sports.

Currently, Zavian and Samuel were teaching them to wield swords, actually, Samuel was teaching them while Zavian was watching, or more like thinking, thinking about how to teach Adeena a lesson. 

She must be angry because she couldn't be saintess, and she also doesn't have a solid backing then...only she has left is her family...Zavian smiled, how about taking the last thing her family away from her as well?