
Deep inside the forest, there was a hut, a clean and well-maintained hut, the very place which was once Zavian and Sammuel's home. Surrounded by huge trees, the branches of the trees offer covering the hut as if protecting it.

The branches of the trees were also loaded with fruits and decorated with flowers. The fireflies made the area brighter and more beautiful it was like the starts were twinkling on the ground,

The floor was covered with wet green grass.

And inside the hut sat the goddess, wearing her green gown, a flower crown covering her head, her brown shiny hair covering her entire back, her face had a golden glow and calm and serene expression, with her thin pink lips slightly curled up into a gentle motherly smile. Her legs crossed and eyes closed as she sat in the lotus position on the wooden floor of the hut. She was meditating when she felt the presence of another person in the room.