Bonus Chapter 4.2

A few minutes ago. Sheila went up to the second floor when she met Daniel and Lyca. She was a shock to see Nami's ex.

"What are you doing here!?" asked Sheila.

"Where is Nami? I want to talk to her."

"How dare you!? After fooling Nami, you're going to show yourself to her!? Let me be my best friend. Leave her in peace! We're not cheap like your girl!"

"Can I, Sheila, I don't have time to discuss with you. Where is Nami?"

"What's going on?" asked Zia who was behind Sheila. He was with Chris who was both obviously tired.

"Zia, where is Nami? I just want to talk to her."

"Huh? Um isn't she's upstairs?"


"There. Just go there." Zia pointed at the Red Flame on the second floor. Sheila pinched Zia immediately.