
30 minutes passed and she entered the room again.

Her clothes are burnt and right arm is bleeding.

"Cale is eliminated successfully."

Nice. Now only hunter is left. He will come back in 1 hour.

Well until then.

"Fill this glass with your blood until you die." Suichi handed over a wooden glass to her.


She made a deep cut on her wrist and started filling the glass with her blood.

Suichi's eyes shined as he looked at the flowing blood.

It's like he is a child who is looking at an icecream maker making icecream for him.

After filling the glass to the brim she handed over the glass to suichi but the blood didn't stopped coming out of her hand.

A human body contains about 4.4 to 5.5 kg blood and i can't waste it like that can i.

"Here fill this glass too." Suichi handed over the second wooden glass to her.

"Yes." She answered in a neutral tone.

"Itadakimasu and bottoms up."

Suichi drank the whole glass and his eyes turned red. His thirst for blood increased even more.

I can't wait for the glass to be refilled.

Suichi stood up and his cuspid teeths started growing big. In no time his teeth converted into sharp fangs.

suichi bitted rita's neck from the left side. His sharp fangs pierced through her skin and started sucking blood.

After some seconds Rita's body started changing colour

She turned pale and started trembling.

Suddenly her eyes closed and she lost her balance. Suichi didn't tried to catch her instead he snatched the wooden glass filled with blood from her with an incredible speed and her body fell on the floor.

"Sorry darling that i let you fell but the glass was more important than your lifeless body."

Rita died due to excessive blood loss.

Suddenly a screen popped up.

[Title [Real Monster] Acquired]

[Title [Human Killer] Acquired]

[Stamina Replenishment - 100%]

I don't feel blood thirsty anymore.

Oh! Titles. Let's see.

[Real Monster]

[You don't have any emotion. You purely kill to satisfy your hunger a strong sign of a Real Monster.]

[Effect: Your emotions will get seized when your stamina falls below 15% and you will become a total monster who will do anything to satisfy his needs.]

Wow that's a very rude title.

[Human Killer]

[You killed a Human and proved that you are a monster who will hunt humans as his preys.]

[Effect: Damage against Humans will get double and you will now get exp from killing humans too.]

Well that's a good one.

Suichi swiped on the screen as he took sips of blood from the wooden glass.

Well let's go and see outside now.

Suichi exited the white room and saw a room with different mechanical items and scientific stuffs.

This world is rather developed in science but not that much.

On the floor suichi noticed a black burnt corpse.

"Oh hi Dr. Cale 'My Creator' How are you ? Oh sorry you can't talk 'cause you are fried hahaha."

What ? Why am I laughing like a psycho ?

"W-W-We greet you M-Master." Three girls standing on the door started bowing towards Suichi.

One is from before and rest two looks exactly same except their eye colours. Are they triplets ? Why are they calling me master ?

"Who are you ?" Suichi asked.

"I-I am Subject 89, she is subject 90 and she is subject 91." The one standing in the middle spoke as she pointed towards her left and right.

"What do you need ?"

"Hiiii-! W-We are only g-greeting our new master." She spoke in a feared tone.

"Why are you calling me master ? Your master, Cale is already dead."

"If someone kills the former master of a slave than the slave's ownership will be transferred to the new master automatically. You should look at the seal on the back of your right hand." The one standing on the left spoke.

Suichi looked at the back of his hand and saw a pentagon shaped seal.

Oh! It's a kill and take system i guess.

Good, free slaves.

"Are you all realated to each other in some way ?" Suichi asked in a neutral tone.

"Y-Yes we are Sisters." The one standing in right spoke.

Ah.. Guessed that one right.

"What are your real names ?"

"I am Julia with Blue eyes." Left one spoke

"I-I am Jill with Green eyes." Middle one spoke.

"I am Jane with Red eyes." Right one spoke.

"Do you know how to fight ?" Suichi asked straight to the point.

"No we are only household managing slaves." Julia spoke in a neutral tone.

"Do you know anything about Hunter ?" Suichi asked.

"He is a good adventurer and a mage by class i think he is around level 30." Julia answered without any hesitation.

Julia looks smart and straight forward. Jill is a shy one and get's scared easily. Jane is a more gal type girl whenever our eyes meet she passed many advances towards me.

Haa...well i have one more guy to kill and an experiment to perform.

"Hunter will return any minute i will give each one of you a simple task okay...?"

"W-We will do our best." Lily spoke.

3 minutes later...


"Here comes the prey. Don't forget the plan."

As the lab is now clean and cale's corpse is disposed no one will ever think that a murder took place here.

Jill opened the door.

"W-Welcome back sir." She greeted Hunter.

"You fucking slave *slap* What took you so long to open a fucking door." He slapped Jill but i felt the sensation of disrespect. I don't know why but i will take my sweet time killing him.