
Suichi backed-off and sat on the chair again due to his low stamina his consciousness started fading.

I need blood before i become a monster who only knows how to Massacre.

[Stamina: 19%]

Suichi's eyes glowed red as he looked through the crowd and called a young man in an assassin outfit.

"Y-Yes..." He spoke in a feared tone.

"Tell me about your crims you have committed until now."

"I-I just kill people for money, that's not a crime right ?"

"Killing people is not a crime in my eyes but have you done anything else other than that ?"


His words are not clear it's obvious that he is lying well i didn't choose him for no reason and the reason i choose him is...

[Compulsion rate: 89%, Yes]


His eyes turned red for a second and then turned back to normal.

"Now why don't you tell us your biggest crime that you still regret and will regret for the rest of your life."

"Once i killed a noble and his wife, they had a eight year old girl, i kidnapped her and raped her for one month straight without giving her anything to eat or drink..." He started speaking like a parrot.


What a twisted man ?

"That would be enough to kill you."

Suichi opened his inventory and took out a needle and pipe used for giving glucose. He connected the pipe to the needle and stabbed into his neck and started drinking blood.

"I don't even want to touch your filthy skin with my teeths."

After some seconds he died.

"Take his filthy body and burn it."

"Yes master." Jane answered as she dragged the corpse away.

"Next you come." A girl with green hairs came out.

[Compulsion rate: 76% , Yes.]


"Now tell us about your crimes that you regret."

"The day i found out that my mother is a prostitute i killed her and my seven siblings with my father in anger and i kill every prostitute i see anywhere."

"A bitch with mental illness." Suichi did the same with her and everyone standing their started shivering as they watched them die.

I have a code that i never take proud in killing a woman, child and an unarmed opponent but she will be a bigger threat if left alive.

[Stamina: 40]

"Next you come out."

After some time.

He killed 10 people like that.

[Stamina: 100]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Skill Shop Opened]

"Oof...all of you are corrupted. I can't make my empire on such corrupted grounds and with such corrupted peoples."

Jaden who was lying there all the time stood up with red eyes and big fangs.

"Look who is up... Morning princess."

"Sire please order me." He went on his knees right after that.

"You must be hungry go ahead and Massacre all of them only leave one alive kill the rest. Derek and jill come you can feed too."

Suddenly both of them appeared from the dark.

"Thank you sire."

"How can you do that aren't you like us ?" A redhead girl spoke from the crowd.

"Don't be fooled darling i am the devil in disguise. Kill them."


"D-Don't kill me."


"I don't want to die."

Some tried to fight back and some tried to run away but no one survived.

I need to find that.

After the bloodbath stopped Derek and jill came forward.

"Sire that lady behind you, should we kill her as well."

"Oh Haley no leave her she will be my sex outlet for the time being." Listening to this Jane and julia's face turned red.

Now i have 3 vampire servents.

"Master i have a question ?" Julia spoke.


"Why did you kill them, you could have turned them into your kind ?"

"Vampire race is a noble race among monsters and i can't shame it with these kinds of trash and another reason is my stamina it takes too much stamina."

Main reason is if i turned everyone into vampire than the blood bags will get reduced.

Jaden approached me with a small guy in his hands. His hairs are brown, bowl cutting, Sharp eyes, fat nose and fat belly.

"S-Sir Please let me live i am a very big trader if you let me live i will provide you with everything you want."

"Let him go." Suichi spoke.

"But sire." Jaden spoke

"Let him go i said. Don't you understand ?"

Jaden released him and he ran away on a horse right away.

"Sire why would you let him live ?"

"One should always remain to tell the tale."

"Master the sun is about to come up." Julia dpoke

"We will spend the day in this village."

"Yes sire." Three of them went on their knees as they spoke.

"Let's get inside the house and Julia bring me those fifty slaves from that bar, Jane you go and checkout the slaves working in the mines and bring them to me."

"Yes master."

Julia and Jane left.

Sun came up and they went inside the house. After some time Julia entered the room with 50 slaves.

Some of them are lizardmens some are beastkins, dwarfs, elfs, demons and humans.

"I am your new master." Suichi spoke.

"We greet the new master." All of them spoke at the same time.

"This village is running on illegal buisness i want all of you to make it a better place with me."

"We will do our best master."

"Good first of all is there any mage here."

Two hand raised from the crowd.

One is a black haired girl with two horns on her head, pink skin, Red eyes, white hairs she is demonkin. Other is an elf with blonde hairs green eyes and thick body.

"You both Come with me. Julia tell them their works as I told you before."

"Yes master."

Suichi went to an isolated room with both of them.

"How well do you know magic ?" He asked.

"I am an expert." The demon girl spoke.

"Me too." Elf spoke.

"Good i want you to cast a spell on me."

"What type of spell master ?"

"I want protection from light."