Feud Between Brothers Over A Waste?

'Tell me again how you can perfectly turn yourself into invisible why I suffer alone?' Sue could not help but grumble through her telepathic connection with the Lord System, who was sitting comfortably atop her head.

Feeling the raging emotions within Sue, the Lord System wisely shut his trap as it curled its tiny body. Since Sue was firmly persuaded by Lucien to journey together, Sue became fidgety for a good reason.

With both of her hands gripping the long red fur to steady herself, never in her wildest dream would she ever thought that she would be riding Lucien like this! He said he could help her with a hassle-free journey; Lucien neglected to say the part that he would shift into a six feet tall red wolf and make her ride him like he's some kind of bronco!

"U-Uhm, Sir Lucien?" Sue had to lean forward and half-scream her words to be sure that Lucien heard her amidst the bustling wind against her face. "Can't we slow down? I, I mean, the Wolf Tribe's border is only a mile away anyway!"

The red wolf merely howled at Sue before it fastened its speed even more.

The plain grassland between the Wolf Tribe's territories and the Valley of Claw would have been a smooth journey, but Lucien made it seem like they were in a jagged place!

This caused Sue to lean her body more into the wolf's body. She was afraid that she would meet her untimely death because of its speed!

'Did I make the wrong call? Should I have said no to Lucien, would he become one of my obstacles to the inheritance? I just want to know the will's contents and perhaps begin changing everything from there!' Sue groaned at the back of her mind since she was basically at the man's mercy.

Sue was almost hugging the wolf. 

The Lord System clicked its tiny tongue upon seeing the blatant display of desperateness from the Lupine heir himself. He wondered if Lucien was in heat; that was why he was like this! Since the Lord System ought to know everyone in this world through the system, he was well aware of Lucien Lupine's reputation and past.

Lucien Lupine was the true definition of a beast. No one could match his innate savage nature and bestial instinct, whether in war or in the predatory hierarchy of the Beastmen Territory. For someone like Lucien, there was a fine thread between friend and foe. After all, his mate died by his hands – because he lost control of his nature.

'I hope Sue can withstand and subdue this beast. If she can overcome Lucien, the fate of the entire Beastmen Territory will be at her disposal. That is practically one-third of this continent!' The Lord System thought while curling atop Sue's head.

But the next thing Lord System realized, the tiny body he materialized was thrown forward before he tumbled to the ground like a porcupine. "Oomph!"

Unlike the small white blur who got thrown away in a matter of a split second, Sue Terin was quick to notice the event before a maroon-colored blur knocked Lucien!

"Killer Slash!" Using the wind attribute from the skill, Killer Slash, Sue minimized the impact of being thrown away. The wind magic concentrated around her feet, and her body made her stable midair before she landed swiftly a few meters away from the two large wolves in front of her.

'Lord System? Where are you?' Sue looked around while she called the white fox through their shared telepathic connection. She sighed when she saw a couple of white tails peeking beyond the meadow's grass.

'Stay there. Or better yet, hide first. We can't let them know about your existence. You are my trump card in this game of revenge that I will play.'

The Lord System hummed through their connection. 'Of course, I know! Our first plan is to wreak havoc in your stepmother and step-sister's place!'

Gaze fixated on the two gigantic wolf beastmen fighting in a deadlock with their fully transformed bodies; Sue frowned as she watched the bloody brawl.

Snarls and growls erupted.

Claws and canines clashed.

Brothers fought against each other – all for one woman. Though they had different reasons for doing so, it was still apparent that Sue was why they bare their canines before they had the time to talk it out.

It was a bloody battle, but one could see who was clearly winning. It was no brainer that it was, of course, Lucien Lupine who had been leading the fight ever since Lucca sprung from nowhere. Sue could just sit back and watch Lucien finish off one of the names in her target list – but she would not do it.

What was the point of the whole revenge thing if she would let some red-haired pervert take her prey?

And so, Sue interrupted them with her high-pitched voice. "Sir Lucien, can you spare my fiancé, please?"

At her voice, Lucien, who was about to strike his elder brother with his bloodied canines, stopped at the last breadth of distance.


Fiance was the one word that turned Lucien's world upside down at that specific moment. The insanity in his golden eyes soared, and the only thing in his mind was to wreck carnage. After all, in his twisted mind, he was deprived of his second-chance mate because of Lucca Lupine, his pathetic excuse of a brother.

'If I could kill him right now, I would have no future obstacles in owning Sue.' Lucien thought. His eyes shifted from Sue to Lucca.

On the other hand, Lucca, who was not entirely aware of his perilous situation, pinned a hateful glare on Sue. His mind screamed with a series of questions. Why was Sue alive after he sent those wolves to kill her? How did a human wastrel like her survive the ordeal? What went wrong in the transaction? How did she get acquainted with Lucien? Why did Sue come back after the blatant betrayal?

But no question was answered for Lucca. Instead, he earned a soft smile from Sue – the same smile he would receive back when pretending to be her dutiful fiancé. But for some reason, the more Lucca stared at Sue's eerily pair of calm eyes – a nagging feeling hovered over him. It was as if everything was simply wrong with Sue being calm and collected in front of him. In fact, Lucca preferred a deranged and angry Sue Terin. Not this! Not a smiling Sue Terin.

Lucien shifted back. Without a scratch on his tanned skin nor a wrinkle in his black robe, he strode toward Sue. When she was within his range, Lucien pulled Sue's nape to his body before he inhaled her sweet aroma with his eyes close. He was convincing himself that she was here and she was his.

"Sir Lucien…" Sue was about to push Lucien when the latter spoke hoarsely.

"Do not fucking move, or I will rip Lucca's limbs piece by piece in front of you," whispered Lucien. Jaws clenched, veins protruding around his forehead and neck; Lucien glanced at Lucca.

'I will stay in the Terin Household like you are doing, brother of mine.' Lucien mind-linked Lucca.

'Wait… Wait! Is my brother seriously interested in that waste bitch? Is she the reason why he attacked me when all I wanted earlier was to knock her off?' Lucca pondered in his mind while watching the scene unfold before him.