The Eccentric Archmage

"My Lord, what is wrong?" A moroi subordinate almost tripped over a branch when his master suddenly stopped. With two luggage in his arms, the change of momentum disturbed his perfect balance – but he could only ask the infamous Vampire City's Lord. No one in their right mind could snap at the ice king of the Vampire City. Eyes filled vigilance as he stared at the unmoving Vampire Lord who was standing at the highest branch of the old, tall tree; he waited for his master's answer.

But what he got was a change in the atmosphere around them. Snowflakes started to fall from the darkened sky. The once lively ancient tree they were standing on started to wither. And the forest had become deadly silent in a blink of an eye upon the change of the surrounding – from cold to murderous. His master was furious! On instinct, he wanted to leap away. But his trembling knees would not even budge from his spot as cold sweat trickled down his forehead.