The Arrival Of The Five Patriarchs

Sue Terin stood at the place surrounded by nothing but ashes and burnt debris. The setting sun and the rising moons did not deter the lonely silhouette of the current patriarch of the Terin Clan. On her shoulder was a tiny red-feathered bird and atop her head was a slumbering palm-size three-tailed white fox. The lobster beside her still refused to use Sue as his mount even with his inconvenient size – apparently, the Kraken's ego was much larger than his size.

Lordie tapped one of his tails on Sue's forehead, pulling the latter from her trance. "Lassie, it is time for your visit."

"Hmph! Why should Master visit them? They almost trap Master from their vicious schemes!" Nyx flapped her small wings; her small beak released a meager amount of crimson flame due to anger. "Master, let them rot in the prison cell!"