War Of Fangs And Claws I


Sue Terin stood at the top of a cliff, the very same cliff that she had jumped from when the Lupine wolves chased her from the vampire city. Standing at the edge of the cliff, she crouched and touched the rocky surface, feeling the ground in nostalgia.

'Who would have thought that I will be back in this same spot not as a lost Sue Terin but as the king of the beasts?' she thought.

The whistle of the night breeze swayed her hair. 

"Everything is set," said Vice Commander Shuha from behind her.

"Then we wait." Sue Terin stood and looked down the forest that was separating the Beastmen Territory and the Vampire City. She continued, "The forest trees will be drowned by vampires' blood tonight."

"I will send the eagle tribe to scout the skies. The illumination from the three moons will help the lookout."

Sue nodded without looking back at her vice commander. "You do that."