The Vampire Lord's Cursed Love


Thick crimson liquid dripped in between the crevices of his fingers as he covered his mouth. The impact of the spell made him kneel beneath his marble throne as he suffered a heavy coughing fit. His shoulders shook as if he had lost the capacity to breathe normally.

"My Lord!"

  Jotun's frantic voice seemed so far away for Levi Vlad Tepes. He cautiously helped his master gain a foothold by the arms, never failing to miss the trembling of his master's core and meridians. His eyes warily swept to the altar behind the throne which he himself set up under the command of the vampire lord.

Jotun watched as the ice-cold vampire lord leaned against his throne as if he had lost all his strength. Hiding his clenched hands behind him, he asked. "Was it worth it? She's our enemy now, My Lord."