System Reboot

"Can't I really come?" 

For the nth time, Levi Vlad Tepes asked Sue Terin. His hand refused to let go of her wrist as her watery onyx eyes were pinned on her like a lovesick puppy. And for the nth time, Sue tugged her wrist away from him, eyes throwing daggers at the vampire lord who could be mistaken as a dog than a vampire.

Standing in the center of the portal, Sue Terin was already on the verge of pushing the vampire lord back to close the portal. She did not know whether to laugh or cry after having a sense of déjà vu. Levi's pouting face overlapped with Sue's red 'dog' in the Terin Territory.

Sue patted Levi's hand which was glued to her wrist like a parasite. In a calm and gentle tone, she said. "I have to find him alone."

"Why? Do you still not trust me?"