The Journey Of The Unlikely Duo

With a heavy head, Sena woke up. 

She never remembered losing consciousness from the pain. After all, she had endured more painful wounds from that. It was mere child's play for Sena.

The refreshing smell of nature mixed with the smell of embers and cooked meat welcomed her sense of smell. The cold rough touch of the cave floor against her back finally shredded the last of her haziness. Sitting up, a coat rolled down her thighs.

"How did I—"

"—escape and live to tell the tale of your stupidness? You have to thank me for that, brat."

Sena's attention immediately flew to the direction where the source of the arrogant voice came from. For a good moment, her eyes widened. Only then, her memories of that event came back—Lucien losing his consciousness, the Executioner's death, and the other side of Harris that she somehow expected.

But expectations were meant to be exceeded by reality.

And the reality was Harris was a monster in disguise.