The Cursed Cave



The sound of the notification bar from the system awakened Sena from the darkness that surrounded her like a cocoon—or so she thought. Her body trembled upon being drenched from head to toe.

Gasping, she snapped her eyes open. She was welcomed by the sight she would never imagine after falling into someone else's trap.

'Sigfrid Lean Merlin!' Sena was lucky to have her throat dry or else she would have screamed these words out loud.

The lord archmage of the prestigious Silver Tower was now chained, bloodied, and disheveled in front of her. With only a piece of meta bars in between, Sena's widened eyes did not dwindle as she stared at the state he was in.

'This is my fault! If only I relied on myself and not the system, maybe, just maybe, I could have found him sooner.' Sena lamented her incompetency at the back of her mind.

"You're awake."