Dark Time Is Upon Us


The entire foundation of Mount Baal shook, alerting the Silver Tower as soon as the first tremor was felt.

"Lord Otoh! This is bad! The barrier around the cursed cave is gone! Two entities were seen flying from the mountain and they were spotted by the folks from the neighboring mountains," announced Tosh as soon as he barged into Otoh's office. He did not bother to knock anymore.

Tosh met Otoh halfway when the latter was about to open the door of his office as well. "Come in! Come in! Where are the others?"

"Hori and the others are coming. They are verifying about the—"

"About the faint wave of energy akin to the Lord Archmage, am I right?"

Tosh nodded. He was both hopeful and scared to know about the investigation. Everyone was like him. Without the presence of the Lord Archmage, they could not sleep entirely in the night as they were vigilant for any attack from the other races.