Into The Dark Continent

After sending her words of apologies, assurance, and pleas laced with her feelings for Lucien Lupine and Levi Vlad Tepes. It was only during this desperate moment that Sue Terin finally realized how much she cared for the two and that she had long stopped looking at them as a mere piece of pawn for the system. It took her a close call to death and a pretty rough round of kidnapping.

Of course, Sue Terin did not forget to let them take note of Sigfrid Lean Merlin and his knowledge about the Ancient Human Race in the Blessed Continent. Somehow, for Sue Terin, she felt that what happened at Mount Baal was merely the scratch on the surface – it was not even the tip of the iceberg.

And this made Sue Terin feel that leaving right now, without any concrete answer when she would be able to return home,