A Twist Of Fate

Sue Terin sighed.

She stood at the edge of the lake and watched the stale scenery of the system's space. Ever since she woke up, she never tried to go out even for once. She was a capital C for coward and she would not deny that. Sue Terin wanted to stay away from his familiar hypnotizing pair of ruby-red eyes.

Sue Terin needed to rein herself once more – just the Sue Terin without any external and internal influences.

The sound of the twig snapping pulled Sue Terin from her reverie. Without looking back, she asked while her gaze remained fixated on the calm lake. "How is it?"

A three-tailed fox leaped next to Sue Terin. Like her, it looked at the lake with deep gaze. 

"It is like what you've thought. The system is rebooting. The window is down so we cannot safely eject from the system's space. What if arrive right in front of that demon lord?"