Hours later, Lendon went to the dining hall. After he sat down, he suddenly kicked the table and shouted, "What are these? They look gross!"
"I will let them prepare new food now, My Lord." Curtis hurriedly cleaned the floor and said.
Annoyed, Lendon growled and said impatiently, "No need. Just fire them all." He stood up and left. When he passed the living room, he saw the huge monitor playing Kendra's face.
Kendra fell on the ground weakly, and there were frosts on her face. She looked like an injured angel. Lendon noticed that Kendra's tears rolled out from her eyes. He suddenly felt heartbroken. Damn! What was wrong with him? Why does this woman cause him sadness?
"My Lord,"
"How long has she been in the icehouse?" Lendon asked coldly.
Drooping his head, Curtis answered, "It has been 5 hours," He could always understand his Lord's temper.
Lendon stared at the huge screen and somehow felt furious.