People who saw Lendon's fierce outburst got silent. One of the police wanted to stop Lendon, but his bodyguards stopped him immediately.
A police officer who clearly recognized Lendon just murmured, "He is Lendon Martin. The renowned duke of this country,"
Everyone stood still and didn't dare to move.
Lendon took his coat off and sneered, "I admire your courage. How dare you hurt her? You hurt my woman, you're courting death," He kicked the man's belly heavily.
Hit by the strong kick, the man screamed and curled himself on the floor.
"What are you doing? Stop it!" Kendra quickly stood in the middle to stop Lendon's cruel act. They were in the police station now. What if the police will detain Lendon for doing such havoc?
"Shut up!" Lendon glanced at Kendra and roared, "I have never seen anyone so stupid like you. How can you let him slap you? How can you let anybody bully you?"