For a moment, the atmosphere between them turned scarry. Lendon didn't utter any words.
"Alexis is innocent. We did nothing at all." Kendra gently explained. She can't bear to see other people get beaten because of Lendon's wrong perception.
"But he saw your shoulder." Lendon rolled his eyes. It was so private, and he didn't allow other people to see it. How could Alexis see her bare skin and those marks he left her body?
"But you shouldn't beat him. He is a doctor, and I asked him for help. It is normal." Kendra said helplessly.
"I just don't like it. I won't allow anybody to see your skin," Lendon insisted stubbornly.
Kendra sighed and felt desperate. She felt drained and realized that it's useless to argue with him.
"Why do you care about him so much, huh? I am sick here, not him!" Lendon complained.