“No, you are just accustomed to her scent,” Ben told him, as much as Ben loved Cassie he didn't believe in second chances; hence the scent coming from her wasn't suspicious to him at all.?

  Bryan carried Cassie to her room and laid her on the bed, then turned around to leave when Cassie shifted over and suddenly sat up.?

  “You are back.” She started sleepily and Bryan gave a “hm” sound and then turned around to really leave hoping she wouldn't ask him questions but then, she did.?

  “Today, at the store, a woman named Kendrick said something that really baffled me…”?

  “Yeah, Theo told me. I don't know what she is talking about, so don't worry about it. It's a human territory, she must have mistaken me and you for someone else.” Bryan uttered, finding his excuse ridiculous, he should have thought of something else, but he still hoped Cassie was stupid to believe him.?