“Yeah, it happened to me too and I was shocked. I actually didn't know about wolf gestation and all because I didn't listen in school probably because I was a whore and I whored around to annoy my low. I didn't pay attention in school.” Elena confessed and then laughed remembering her mother.
Soon, they arrived at the company.
“I didn't know you own the highest share in the company, how did you do that?” Elena looked at her.
“Uhm, invested and didn't spend my gains and reinvested?” Cassie raised her brows indifferently before picking up her bag.
“Thanks for the ride!” She told her and then walked out, greeting everyone on her way to her office. She went to the bathroom first and washed her face before getting ready for the meeting later, she would be talking about her product and it kind of irked her just by thinking about it.