“You are joking, right?” Elena looked at Cassie who shook her head. Cassie didn't want to tell Elena that Ethan had forced himself on her, she knew that he was drugged, she knew because Stella told her after the deed was done.

  She remembered the smirk on Stella’s face after she told her. Stella had told her she would never be happy and she wouldn't let it happen. Cassie knew that Stella had only told her because she caught her taking the pictures but truly, she knew Stella hated her.

  It was never Ethan’s fault therefore she didn't want to burden him or burden herself by spreading it. She shouldn't have gone to meet him in his territory in the first place.

  “Tell me everything, Cassie,” Elena demanded looking at her daughter. Cassie couldn't take the stare of her mother, she knew she had to tell her the truth but if she did, Elena would rip Ethan apart.