CHAPTER 35 Death

  ZIONs POV...

  While I take cover under a large tree, I press my back flush against the tree trunk with a vicious snarl escaping past my cold lips.

  As I walked out of the cave in search of some fire branches, a high tech drone with heat sensory and a wide range of distance sensory was heading in my direction. I had to use my whip blade to cover my footprints through the thick snow, hoping they wouldn't be able to track me.

  The people of ODRION are different. They worship a God that doesn't exist, making their beliefs and rituals erratic and fatal without a real purpose.?

  Pulling my fur coat over my head, I close my eyes, gripping my whip blade tightly and I try to concentrate on the buzzing sound as it draws near. ?I swing my blade, releasing the whip to my right, slicing the drone in half. It sparks as it lands on the snow, releasing a bright yellow light into the sky before it self destructs.
