That’s right

  My eyelids flutter open, I squint at the bright lights pouring into my face. A sharp pain pierces my skull, I hold my hands to my head and clench my eyes shut, opening it at the caresses on my arm. Maria’s face hovers over mine, I blink to clear the dots in my vision. The headache eventually subsides, I send a small smile her way to allay her worries. With her help, I sit up and scan the room. There are only two beds and the other one is empty. Maria is on a small bench by my bed, my hand clutched protectively in hers. 

  Light filters in from the high windows, I stare at the white walls until it clicks. We are at the school clinic. Pushing the damp hair out of my forehead, I whimper when I try to bend. My lower stomach hurts like I was beaten badly in a fight. That’s right, I was punched. Punched by that asshole in an unfair fight.