No Gracie without Benny

  Stupid. Why did I let myself get carried away by a kiss? I touch my lips again. I have been doing that since I ran away from Ben. I am mad at him but I want to kiss him. It’s crazy. 

  “Why do you keep smiling like that?” Leah asks. She throws an arm around me and drags me away from the entrance of the dressing room. 

  The other members of the band are inside discussing their performance. Ben is also there. Maybe he needs as much space as I need from him. 

  Back to what Leah asked me, why am I smiling? I know it’s stupid but I’m smiling because of the kiss.

  I really, really liked it. I’ve missed him. I’ve missed kissing him. I’ve missed being held by him.

  “Leah?” She stops. We are outside the pub. There’s a blue light hanging from the signboard bearing the club’s name and it shines on her forehead. I laugh because she looks funny with the light and her hands akimbo. “Can I ask you a question?” 


  “How did you and Mira meet?”