Frustratingly cute and annoying

  Boyfriends are annoying. I push Ben’s money back to him and the idiot wraps one hand around my waist and lifts me off the ground to take over.

  Ben slides some bills to the cashier while I’m still trying to recover from the shock of being carried like I weigh nothing. The cashier sends us off with a smile and a wave. We must look crazy. I punch his chest when we are outside and he pinches my nose.

  “Annoying. You’re so annoying,” I tell him. He kisses me. Because I’m such a sucker for him, I lean into the kiss but he pulls back before I deepen it. I tuck my hair behind my ear as a gentle breeze blows it into my face. “You should have let me pay.”

  “Why?” Ben offers me the bag containing the pills and a can of soda. Tugging me in the direction of his car, he continues, “I’m the reason you need to use the pill anyway.”