Bonus (I): Very different-2

Laura and I don’t talk again for the rest of our class, when she asks about my next class, I make up a lie and run out. My car looks out of place but I don’t care as I drive out. Ben should be done by now. He will make a stop at Josef’s firm before he leaves for the house. 

  Ben’s volunteering at the firm but he has an office there. I suspect Josef gave him an office because Ben refused to accept payment. He volunteers only four hours a week and Josef is willing to pay for those hours. But Ben is still bummed about Josef paying our rent, his tuition fee and other bills so he doesn’t let him do so much stuff for us.

  To me, Josef is just trying to be a parent and that involves spending on his stepson but if Ben says no, it’s also a no for me. Plus, we don’t need so much money when I’m making enough in addition to both of our allowances.