We finally reach our destination. Palawan is indeed a beautiful place.
We decided to make a campfire this evening and experience camping outside.
It's a perfect and beautiful day!
The employees are all excited especially those lovers. Yes in my Dad's company, a relationship between co-employees is allowed but not in Lance's Company and I don't know why.
Maybe he's just bitter or what.
I'm building my tent when Lance approaches me.
"Miss Falcon want some help?" He asks then wink at me.
The temptation is here again.
" No thanks, Mr. Vergara. I can manage, just build your tent." I declined.
But he insists! He helped me in building my tent while simply touching my hands. If someone is not looking, he will kiss me on my face.
We are like young teenagers in love and afraid to be caught by our parents.
So we are doing it secretly.
Everybody joined the games that both teams creatively created. We played kill that person.